Complete Instructions
Our resurrection pointe kit comes with everything you need to restore a pair of pointe shoes and strengthen them to the shape of your feet.
For Use On Dead Pointe Shoes ONLY
How To Mix And Apply
deep pink: Apply and reapply when formula soaks into material
Blue: mole skin placement
Red: do not use product
Caution: please do not apply where the diagram shows red. using formula in this area once dried will cause shoes to become very slippery
figure 1
(1) prep your workspace and put on gloves (Do not touch formula with
hands) formula can be runny and
will not come off of materials or
(2) prep broken shanks by cutting out
leather sole just below the crease
your foot has created.
(3) add activator to squeeze bottle
and shake (2-3 Minutes)
Product MUST be
Thoroughly Mixed
(4) for the shank destroyer
apply formula to the inside and
outside shank plus the leather
and satin seams
see figure 1
(5) for the box demolisher
gently soak formula through
the satin on the outside
ONLY Outside
the Box
see figure 1
(6) for the platform wrecker
gently soak formula on the inside
the platform
ONLY inside the Platform
see figure 1
(7) remove moleskin backing and
apply to the insole of shank over
crease or breakage
generously soak mole skin and
soak seams and shank again
inside and out (2nd soak)
Moleskin may peel off once dried
(8) continue applying solution to
your target areas
use at least 2/3 of the formula
on a pair of pointe shoes
(9) allow shoes to dry for 24 hours
before use